
ERRMSG: 3512 - Message unpacking error (MMEngine error)

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This article applies to:

  • Trustwave MailMarshal (SEG)
  • Trustwave ECM/MailMarshal Exchange 7.X


Event ID: 3512
Type: Error
Source: MMEngine (MailMarshal SMTP) or MEXEngine (MailMarshal Exchange)
Description: Message unpacking error


When MailMarshal receives a message, it breaks the message up into its individual components for analysis.

The event is raised whenever MailMarshal is unable to properly unpack a message into its constituent components.

More Info: 

As a security measure, if any component of the message cannot be properly extracted or analyzed, MailMarshal stops processing of the message and moves it to a "dead letter" folder. This action is taken to prevent potentially harmful content from being delivered.

For more information, see Q10868: What is a Deadletter?

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